Sponsorship Opportunities

Family: Yicel & Juan Carlos, and their 3 children

Area: Concepcion

The Story: Yisel (Gye-sell) is a family member of one of our local 6:8 staff families. She is the sister of Cynthia, our cook for the Escazu/Los Anonos team house. Cynthia just happens to be the wife of Victor, who is also a 6:8 Ministries staff member. Victor does everything from construction to security, to mechanics, to helping staff members purchase vehicles and other things. Oh yeah, he's also our bus driver. So Yisel is related to Victor and Cynthia. Yisel lives with her husband Juan Carlos and their 3 children.

Her house is a small place built on to the top of her in-laws home. She has a tin roof which attracts a lot of heat. There is very little ventilation in their home and it gets up to 100 degrees inside due to this fact. Now you may think it to be normal living in Costa Rica that your home would get hot inside, but it is not. Most homes are nice and cool. The problem with this home is simply that there is no ventilation.Yisel also has a couple of small rooms in her home that have only a very thin piece of masonite board as the wall. No studs. We would also like to repair the roof, as it is leaking in many places.

Yisel and her family do not attend church, from what I understand, and doing some work on her home is a way for us to reach out to her with the love of Jesus. Victor and Cynthia desire that their families come to know the saving power found only in the name of Jesus. This is an opportunity to help Victor & Cynthia share the love of Chist with Yisel and her family.

The Need: We need to put new windows and doors in that open all the way and allow air to move through the home. We need to frame walls and sheet them with concrete board. We need to make repairs to her leaking roof. We need to possibly install a drop ceiling to create a heat barrier from the tin roof. And most importantly we need to love this family in the name of Jesus in such a way that they see our good deeds and turn and glorify our Father in heaven.
This team would not necassarily need to be highly skilled in construction, but it would help the project move along smoothly. You would want to bring some good thick work gloves as we will be working with glass and rusty tin roofing. A bilingual person would be a huge asset on this project, so that there is someone who can communicate the gospel and the reason behind the work we are doing to this family. It is crucial that we make sure that we do not fix this home without communicating the Word of God to the family.

Is your team up to the challenge? Would this project be a good fit for you? If so, begin praying that God would work out the details and begin praying for Yisel and her family. Pray that God would prepare their hearts to fully recieve the eternal blessing that could come along with the repairs to their home.

Sponsorship Cost: This project would most likely cost between $1000 - $2000 USD.

The Time: 4-5 Days


Family: Family of Don Juan

Area: Tiribi

The Story: Don Juan is a retired Police Officer, who watches out for teams as they walk through his neighborhood.

The Need: Don Juan's home is in very poor condition, and could either be extensively repaired (his foundation is decent) OR it could be torn down and a new home built in it's place.

Sponsorship Cost: This will be calculated once it is determined whether or not he needs a new home, or a remodel.

The Time: 6-7 days


Family: Franklin, Marialos, Wesley (7) and Allison (2)

Area: Cochea

The Story: This family of four lives up on a mountainside, and their home can only be reached by foot. During rainy season it is very dangerous to even walk to their home. They are located very close to another 6:8 Sponsored Home. The right side of their home is sitting on the ground, however the left side is up on homemade stilts, and looks as if it could fall any time. With rainy season approaching, now is the time to give this family a more secure home. They also share a wall with the home directly behind theirs, which causes problems with water leaking into their bedroom. Their home has flooded multiple times.

The Need: This family need a new home built, including a slab floor, and four walls that belong solely to their home.

Sponsorship Cost: $4,000 - 5,000

The Time: 6-7 days

Family: Jordy's Family

Area: Juan Pablo

The Story: Jordy (pictured right) is a disabled young boy, and his family desires to improve his living quarters.

The Need: This would be an addition to the existing home, which is partially finished.

Sponsorship Cost: $2,000 - 3,000
The Time: 5-6 days

These are just a few examples of the needs here in the Alajuelita area. If your team is interested in helping a family in need, please contact us for more information.